“Your core is weak” Expanded to “You need to lose weight to be pain-free”

Will this concept ever die?   It was not long ago that Dr. Ellie wrote about the ridiculousness of hearing someone say that “your core is weak,” as an explanation for pain or, frankly, anything else. The idea has surfaced again except THIS time, it isn’t using your core as the reason for your pain. …


Shin Splints: What are they and what you can do to manage them

With social distancing measure in place, an increased number of people seem to be running. This increase in engagement has correlated with an uptick in a specific question sent my way: “What should I do about my shin splints?” I hate (and love) to say this, but it depends. Today, I want to discuss what shin splints are exactly, and review actionable steps you can take to start feeling better.


Girls Gone Strong Article

Being curious about the sensation of pain, and how the entirety of our personhood might be affecting our feeling of pain, can empower us to be unafraid of our own bodies. To know that our bodies are not under attack when we feel pain, that we aren’t damaged goods. That we are, indeed, the most capable, most intelligent, most advanced species in the world.


Boutique workshop on October 8th

A Woman’s Guide to Running Pains:   From tendinopathies to stress injuries, navigating pain during or after running can be a frustrating journey. This event is to help you gain clarity on these things to become a more empowered and resilient runner. Understand best practices to maintain a healthy body, progress long distance running safely…
