A Woman’s Guide to Running Pains:
From tendinopathies to stress injuries, navigating pain during or after running can be a frustrating journey. This event is to help you gain clarity on these things to become a more empowered and resilient runner. Understand best practices to maintain a healthy body, progress long distance running safely and to feel confident with where to go when seeking help. A brief presentation with information on some of the best bang for your buck exercises, how to manage strength training when training for endurance, and how to know when it might be appropriate to pull back when experiencing pain. Light snacks will be provided. BYOB.
This event is FREE but will be limited to 15 people.
Please rsvp to ellie@sisuphysicaltherapy.com. Location details will be provided via email with RSVP.
Sisu Sports Performance & PT is accepting new clients!! Feel free to send me an email or schedule an appointment today!