Sisu offers online performance coaching and injury consultations for female athletes

Dr. Ellie is a Physical Therapist and Performance Coach who specializes in work with runners, soccer athletes and weekend warriors

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“Should I run today?”

Sisu Suggestions with Dr. Ellie: Answering common questions we receive from athletes about their injuries, training or performance   This week, we answer a question we received from a Sisu Squad runner, “should I run today?” Watch the video above, to hear the advice she was given by Coach Ellie and then share it with…


“Should I run today?”

Sisu Suggestions with Dr. Ellie: Answering common questions we receive from athletes about their injuries, training or performance   This week, we answer a question we received from a Sisu Squad runner, “should I run today?” Watch the video above, to hear the advice she was given by Coach Ellie and then share it with…


SNAGs Demo

In this video, we demonstrate how to perform SNAG mobilization using a towel.
